![CLRC Hero large](/clrc/images/CLRCstudyspot042624.jpg)
Cartwright Learning Resource Center
What We Do
The CLRC provides services that help students achieve their academic goals and succeed in their classes and provides learning support to the SBCC community in a variety of ways. CLRC services, facilities, and learning resources support student-centered learning and college student success for diverse populations of students.
![students studying in the LRC](/clrc/images/SBCC%20LRC-49%201024%20by%20585.jpg)
CLRC Learning Support Services and Facilities
CLRC support services emphasize student-centered learning. Learning support services
include a Tutorial Center, a Writing Center, Computer Assisted Instruction labs, student
success workshops, an open computer lab, media resources, and digital resource check-out. The
CLRC facilities include individual and group workspaces, classrooms, and technology
with today's learning needs and comfort in mind.
CLRC In Person, Tutoring Commons, Tutorial Center, and Computer Lab Hours 🕗
🌼Spring 2025: January 27 - May 24
Contact Us: 805-730-4470
Writing Center Hours
Click HERE for the Writing Center Hours which may be different from the hours above.
More About Tutoring and CLRC Services
Find a Subject Tutor
![tutoring in the writing center](/clrc/images/tutoring.png)
Meet with a Writing Center Tutor
The Tutorial Center
At SBCC, tutors are available in several locations to support currently enrolled students.
There are several forms of tutoring: center based, Class-Specific, Peer-Assisted-Learning,
and General/Drop-in.
The Writing Center
Students can receive one-to-one tutoring and resources for any writing assignment
or project.
Open Computer Lab and and Tutors
Students can connect with computer tutors here: LRC Virtual Computer Lab and Computer Tutoring
CLRC Learning SkillsWorkshop Series |
CLRC Computer Labs
Get work done on an iMac, Windows, or Chromebook with access to computer help.
Computer tutors and staff are available to answer computer questions for students
and classes.
Reserve a lab for classes and workshops.
Learn and work in a computer assisted instruction lab with modern digital technology
to support learning. Computer tutors and staff are available to answer computer questions
for students and classes.
![computer tutor](/clrc/images/computertutor.jpg)
Access a Computer
![cai lab 1](/clrc/images/CAI%20lab%20final%20medium%20600.png)
Reserve a Computer Lab
Digital and Learning Resource Checkout
Check out items including Chromebooks, chargers, and more.